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Conversations on Race: The Moment is Now

Throughout my journey in the Diversity & Inclusion world, I have learned that conversations embracing our stories while expressing our vulnerabilities will help sway the needle in the right direction. Individuals should be encouraged to express their stories and narratives. As I’ve said before, I firmly believe having real, true and authentic discussions around our personal stories will decrease the racial tension our country faces.

Encouragement to express ourselves freely stops us from making assumptions about how others experience throughout their lives and humanizes people. We have witnessed and have become influenced by experiences that started when we were children that now have become our collective story. These experiences throughout our life influence our biases.

It is likely that we do not know our co-workers, their stories or narratives but only their job titles. Organizations not only need to create time for employees to really get to know one another, but realize it is now an obligation to do so. It is time for organizations to encourage employees to share their narratives, stories, and vulnerabilities.

Please join me as I host my 4th complimentary virtual webinar on Thursday August 20th at 7 PM EST with panelists Sarah Morgan, Zach Nunn, & Judy Elliott-Pugh for Conversations on Race: The Moment is Now. Additionally, an attendee will have the opportunity to win an Anti-Racist HR Workshop (#HROISummit) hosted by Sarah Moran that will be announced towards the end of the webinar. For details and to register, click here.

The Human Return on Investment (HROI) Summit is for professionals looking for a blueprint to create equity & inclusion in their organization. Click here for details and to register. Use ZAP20 for a discount.

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