I’m not sure what to write. This is terrible. This is devastating. This is wrong. When I started my company, AllThingzAP, I wanted to embrace an environment of inclusion, diversity, belonging, & equity. It is important for individuals to be their full authentic selves, professionally and personally.
Between the brutal murder of George Floyd and the racist event towards Christian Cooper in Central Park, it has been an awful week for not only Americans but for the human race.
I’ve been extremely anxious and really do not know how to respond. Let me point out that I am a privileged white male who is anxious and upset so I can’t imagine how a black person feels right now. Hence, #BlackLivesMatter.
I highly recommend, myself included, that white people need to educate themselves about racism and the detrimental effects it has on our country and our lives. Please take a moment to review some or all of the following. Be careful and stay safe.
I highly recommend, HR’S RESPONSE TO RACISM IN VIRAL FORM for HR folks, written by Kate Bischoff
Feel free to check out my blogs that I have written surrounding white privilege, discussions surrounding racism, unconscious bias, having bold and courageous conversations, etc.